If you’re battling obesity at a young age, you might not be sure which treatments to try. But could bariatric surgery be the solution you’re searching for?
We spoke with Darren Tishler, MD, chief of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery at Hartford HealthCare, to learn why weight loss surgery is one of the most effective tools for achieving a longer, healthier life — no matter your age.
Are you a candidate for bariatric surgery?
This procedure isn’t just for adults — it’s a safe, effective option for people even in their teenage years.
“We start by listening to why someone wants surgery,” says Dr. Tishler. “If they feel older than their age, obesity is already taking its toll, and we need to take a closer look at their health factors.”
And obesity in younger patients can vary widely.
“We’re seeing some young patients with very advanced conditions — diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol — illnesses we don’t usually associate with teenagers,” says Dr. Tishler.
> Related: Am I Too Old for Bariatric Surgery?
Prevention can save your life.
The stakes are especially high for younger patients. You have a long future ahead, but obesity can hold you back from reaching your full potential.
“Even if you don’t have the health problems that often come with obesity yet, they’re likely to develop over time,” says Dr. Tishler. “Prevention is the best approach, and weight loss surgery gives us a unique chance to change your path — removing the obstacles of obesity before they start.”
Already dealing with obesity-related conditions?
“Young people with advanced diseases from obesity often face serious health problems later in life — and sometimes much earlier than expected,” says Dr. Tishler. “The good news is bariatric surgery can help you take back control of your health and future.”
> Related: 6 Common Misconceptions About Weight Loss Surgery
Are you ready for bariatric surgery?
Deciding on surgery is a big step. Dr. Tishler shares a few considerations before your consultation:
- Family history: If obesity-related health problems run in your family, bariatric surgery may help prevent them before they develop.
- Current health: When medications and lifestyle changes aren’t enough to manage your medical conditions, bariatric surgery may be the next step.
- Mobility: If keeping up with your friends is becoming a challenge, don’t sit on the sidelines. Bariatric surgery can help you change course.
- Future pregnancy: If you plan to have children, there are options to make it possible while supporting your weight loss goals today.
- Commitment to change: Bariatric surgery requires permanent lifestyle changes. Before taking the leap, make sure you’re willing to put in the work.
> Related: Bariatric Surgery Can Help With These 5 Conditions
Your future starts today.
“Younger patients often believe obesity is a lifestyle choice or something they’ve done wrong,” says Dr. Tishler. “That’s simply not true. There is a treatment, and we see the best results when we intervene early — before obesity leads to serious, irreversible consequences.”
It’s easy to focus on the here and now — like this weekend’s plans — without considering what life could look like years from now. But planning for your future can change everything.
“It’s not just about being here today,” says Dr. Tishler. “It’s about being here to have kids someday, to watch your grandkids grow up and experience everything life has to offer. That’s the impact bariatric surgery can have, and it starts with a conversation. We’ll guide you every step of the way — and together, we’ll make it a success.”