Did you know as little as a 10- to 15-minute nap can make a positive difference in how you feel and function during the day? The greatest benefits are improved mood, performance, concentration, creativity and reaction time. But there are long-term benefits, too. They include a reduced risk of heart attack, stroke and stress.
The key to a good nap is how long it is: it should be long enough to restore the sleep debt we all have, but short enough so that we don’t fall into a deep sleep. The average sleep cycle is 90 minutes; therefore, a short nap allows us to wake up feeling refreshed. Most people are ready for a nap about eight hours after they get up in the morning, which is typically between 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.
The challenge is that most people are at work during this time. Seize the opportunity to rest when you get home from work in the early evening, but be careful not to nap too late in the day, or it will likely interfere with your sleep at night.