Where did you grow up?
I was born and lived in Waterbury until high school when my parents and I moved to Prospect.
What’s your motto?
“To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived; this is to have succeeded.” – Excerpt from: Success, by Ralph Waldo Emerson.
What is your best kept secret?
I play guitar, worked as a counselor at a summer camp for years and I coached softball and baseball for 14 years.
Red Sox or Yankees?
Red Sox, definitely. I’m all about New England so I’m a big Red Sox fan. I am still friendly to Yankee fans however!
What’s playing in your car right now?
Well right now my son and I have been really big into Ed Sheehan, but I love all types of music.
What is your favorite thing to do outside of work?
I love spending time with my family – I have a great fiancée, three awesome kids and three busy dogs. I also love going on vacation and spending time at the beach.
What is at the top of your bucket list?
I actually just checked off one of the bigger items and went to Ireland for two weeks in June. My next item is to buy a new house since we just sold our current one and now we are living in a 900-square-foot cottage. It’s getting a little tight with the kids and the dogs.
Describe yourself in three words.
Humble. Motivated. Focused.
What motivates you?
Developing programs and services that really benefit patient outcomes. I want to add value to the lives of our patients.
Who is your hero?
My father. He is positive, motivated, manages change and adversity well and is family-focused. He was in the military, paid his own way through college and then after so many years ended up going through a career change. He went from being in business to getting his master’s degree and overseeing a home for people suffering from mental health issues. He always taught me to be positive, look forward and not backward and to stay motivated.
What is your favorite TV show?
Beyond the weekly Patriots football game, I would have to say “Alone.” I’m a big fan of survival and reality shows!
What is your vision for the region moving forward?
My vision for the region is to continue with our comprehensive strategy and work with our physician and administrative leaders to look for opportunities to grow and improve within our market. I want to maintain our solid culture so we can continue to be successful. Thanks to the amazing job that Lucille has done for many years, we are certainly set up for success and growth of this region.
What are some of your goals for 2018?
I want to continue to grow and improve the programs and services we provide for the community. Whether it’s through technological advancements, physician recruitment, or our clinical support programs, I want to continue to find opportunities to improve patient outcomes, the patient experience and the provider experience.
What professional accomplishment are you most proud of?
I would have to say this one; being named President of the Central Region. About 20 years ago I decided to enter into the world of healthcare administration with a goal of becoming a hospital president. To receive the honor is kind of a culmination of all my efforts over the years and it was very humbling and emotional when I was offered the position.
What are you looking forward to as president?
I’m looking forward to gaining a new perspective. Operations are very focused and it’s very project driven. With this new position, it’s more about relationships, strategy and alignment and that’s something that I have been working on throughout my career. I’m also a big fan of community involvement and this new position allows me to focus more on that.
What is the best advice you have ever received?
First, always do something out of your professional comfort zone that will help you to do more and grow as an individual and as a professional. Expand your boundaries. Secondly, never stop learning! Always strive to learn more about the work you do, the world around you and most importantly, about yourself!