HHCMG is implementing Lean Daily Management at the system and at the individual office level. Lean promotes respect and continuous improvement within a business setting. All Specialty practices are targeted to be completed by the end of September 2017.
The most visible tool related to the Lean rollout are huddle boards installed on the walls of each office. The boards provide a focal point for the office, and act as both an agenda for daily meetings and a vehicle for information to be shared among offices. The board provides a way for a team to focus each day on information that is important to their patients, the team and the organization. As teams implement huddles, they will learn more about how to tailor the board and meetings to focus on what matters most to staff and patients. Neurosurgery and the Movement Disorders Center were the first two Neuroscience Institute departments to “Go-Live” with their Lean Daily Management Huddle Boards in Q1. The Central Region Neurology practice is scheduled for Q2, followed by the Headache Center, Central and Hartford Regions, in Q 3&4 respectively.
As part of sustaining and supporting teams, leaders from HHCMG will round to offices with the goal of gaining insight, ideas and to better understand daily challenges all with the goals of respecting people and continuous improvement.