More than 100 Fairfield Region leaders recently completed the in-person high-reliability training “HHC Safety Starts with Me: Building a High-Reliability Organization (HRO).” For many leaders this was a refresh, while others completed the required course for the first time.

Facilitators from the Fairfield Region included: Ryan O’Connell, MD, medical director of quality; Tricia Burnes, director of quality and patient safety; Jessica Miller, patient safety manager; Sheron Jacob, regulatory manager; Cathy Gearing and Karina Ross, performance improvement specialists; and Lisa Mariani, risk manager.

The two-hour course followed the HRO live-virtual curriculum. Break-out room discussions were replaced by tabletop case study discussions; emphasis was placed on how leaders could coach and mentor colleagues to apply HRO and H3W leadership behaviors to the scenarios. The case studies used were a mix of the HRO standard case studies and actual great catch stories from the region.