
AcuDetox is a simple, safe and standardized ear acupuncture protocol used to treat addictions, behavioral health and trauma and disaster relief. It’s now the newest innovative offering at Rushford currently being implemented in both group and individual sessions.

Ear acupuncture is an adjunct therapy which is clinically effective, cost-efficient, drug-free and compatible cross-culturally. It is known to help reduce cravings for alcohol and drugs, including nicotine, increase calmness, assist with better sleep, and help relieve from stress and emotional trauma.

How it works

The procedure involves the gentle placement of up to five small, sterilized disposable needles into specific sites on each ear. There are five specific acupuncture points in the ear that assist clients in their recovery process. Recipients sit quietly in a group setting for 30-45 minutes allowing the treatment to take effect.

Seven Rushford colleagues were recently certified in both residential and ambulatory services by NADA (National Acupuncture Detoxification Association) in AcuDetox. They include clinicians Nadia Golino, Allie Bates, Sabria Aliano, clinical managers Tom Stevens and Lauren Galarneau, Dr. Vincent McClain, and Dr. Shannon Maher.

Promising response

A recent session on the new AcuDetox therapy was attended by Rushford staff and interested residential clients under NADA supervision and it was well received.

“The feedback was all positive with many reporting they could not believe the difference they felt after the session. Staff and clients are both extremely excited for the implementation of AcuDetox within Rushford services,” said Lauren Galarneau LCSW,LADC, Clinical Program Manager, Rushford Adult Residential Services.

NADA promotes and advocates for access to holistic health as a right of all communities, and trains professionals in the NADA protocol, an ear acupressure and acupuncture intervention for trauma, substance misuse, abuse, dependence and related behavioral and mental health conditions.

A member of the Hartford Healthcare Behavioral Health Network, Rushford offers a full continuum of addiction and mental health treatment for adults and teens ranging from MATCH (medication-assisted outpatient treatment) to withdrawal management or residential settings throughout central Connecticut.