Cases of melanoma – a cancer of the skin – are on the rise. As clinical director, Dr. Omar Eton is bringing multidisciplinary clinical experience to Hartford HealthCare‘s new melanoma and skin care center.

“Not one decision is made by any one (of the clinical team), but we all try and figure out which component is best in the moment for any individual patient,” said Dr. Eton of his 30-plus years working with skin cancer patients, and his vast experience working across medical disciplines to determine the best plan for the patient sitting in front of him.

Early detection and more effective treatments have helped in melanoma treatments, yet more work needs to be done, particularly in educating the public-at-large about the risks – and how to spot them.

“Anything that’s growing on the skin, people need to go see their doctor,” Dr. Eton noted.

Patients are advised to learn the ABC’s of melanoma:

  • A = Asymmetry, where one half of a skin growth is different from the other
  • B = Border, irregular, notched or blurry moles or growths
  • C = Color, when the growth has more than one
  • D = Diameter, if larger than 6mm

For more information on the Hartford HealthCare melanoma and skin care center, visit here